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Salvia 'Royal Crimson Distinction' A new variety, producing clumps of aromatic foliage and willowy spires of reddish-purple flowers all summer. Good hardy cultivar, for sun or part shade. Airy open habit is especially attractive. 60-70cm. high. Price: £7.20

Salvia uliginosa 'Ballon Azul' A more compact form of the species. A multi-stemmed herbaceous perennial with clear sky-blue flower spikes from August until the frosts. Fantastic in autumn. Hardy in a normal winter, would need protection in the coldest sites.. Best in sun and fertile soils. 90cm. high. Price: £7.20

Sanguisorba canadensis A good clump former with tall, showy cylindrical heads of greenish-white flowers from June to September. 120cm. high. Price: £7.70

Sanguisorba hakusanensis 'White Brushes' New introduction, a good clump formerproducing tall upright stems carrying large drooping pure-white bottle-brush flowers from early summer into autumn. 150cm. high. Price: £7.50

Sanguisorba menziesii Clumps of elegant pinnate foliage produce 80cm. spikes of deep maroon bottle-brush flowers, earlier than most sanguisorbas, from May to July. Easy in ordinary soil, not too dry, in sun of part shade. Price: £7.20

Sanguisorba 'Midnight Child' Vigorous perennial, making impressive clumps of divided foliage with tall stems of blackish-red flowers from summer to autumn. 1.2 metres high. Price: £7.50

Sanguisorba officinalis 'Martin's Mulberry' One of the tallest and best cultivars masses of dark wine-red flowers held well above the foliage. July until the autumn. 1.8 metres high. Price: £7.70

Sanguisorba offinalis 'Red Thunder' From clumps of feathery foliage emergeemerge tall upright stems carrying masses of ruby-red flowers in summer and autumn. A Piet Oudolf selection. 100-120cm. high. Price: £7.50

Sanguisorba 'Pink Brushes' A beautiful hybrid with arching rose-pink, bottle-brush flowers up to 10cm. long. Makes a large vigorous clump, in sun or part shade and fertile soil. 100cm. high. Fantastic, late July to late October. 1 litre pot.
Price: £7.70

Sanguisorba 'Proud Mary' Neat clumps of finely-divided foliage produce upright branching stems bearing dark burgundy-maroon flowers from July to September For sun or part shade in fertile soil, not too dry. 60cm. high. Price: £7.50