The items displayed below may still appear on our printed catalogue but are currently sold out.
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Diascia fetcaniensis
A fully hardy species Diascia with rose-pink flowers through summer and well into autumn For free draining soil in a sunny spot 25cm. high. Long flowering habit makes it a good choice for pots.
Price: £7.20 Sorry, sold out for this season
Phlox paniculata 'Kirchenfürst'
Amazingly vibrant, deepest raspberry red flowers from July to October. would blend well with pinks, blues and violet in the border. Highly scented. Prefers a fertile soil in sun or light shade 80-100cm. high.
Price: £7.20 Sorry, sold out for this season
Primula florindae
Very fragrant drooping bell-shaped yellow flowers on strong 40cm. high stems. Has a very long flowering season, often well into late summer, & its scent, especially in the evening, is unbelievable.
Price: £7.20 RHS Award of Garden Merit
Sorry, sold out for this season