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Campanula 'Samantha' Very compact cultivar with bright blue upward facing saucer shaped flowers. Long summer season especially if dead-headed. Excellent edging or for underplanting roses. Consistantly the best selling Campanula on the nursery. Ordinary garden soil, 25cm. high. Price: £7.20
Centranthus ruber albus A superb white form of the 'Red Valarian', making a bushy plant of glaucous leaves with large heads of minute white flowers all summer & autumn. Very attractive to butterflies. 90cm. high. Price: £7.20
Cephalaria alpina Very showy, tall upright perennial clump-former with abundant large pale-yellow, scabious-like flowers in summer. Invaluable in my hot border. Easy in ordinary soil, sun or part shade. To 150cm high. 60 cm. spread. Price: £7.20
Cephalaria gigantea Very impressive, making large clumps of divided foliage which produce tall upright branching stems of large pale yellow scabeous-like flowers from end of June to September. Fantastic in a large border, in sun or part shade. 180cm. high by 60cm. spread. Price: £7.20
Cirsium rivulare 'Atropurpureum' A very ornamental thistle, producing stout stems with dark maroon-red thistle flowers. Long summer season & deservedly very popular. Likes a fertile soil, in sun or part shade. 90cm. high. Price: £7.20
Coreopsis 'Daybreak' Compact perennial producing mounds of foliage topped by an abundance of bi-coloured flowers, fiery red edged yellow. In flower all summer. Likes sun, 30-40cm. high. Price: £7.20
Coreopsis 'Red Satin' Dark ruby-red orange-eyed flowers from early summer until autumn on compact bushy plants. For sun and good drainage. 45-50cm. high. Price: £7.20
Corydalis 'Porcelain Blue' Spreading mats of fern-like foliage with intense aqua-blue flowers for a long summer season, often into the autumn.. Fertile soil in light shade. 30cm. high. Price: £7.20 Plant Breeders Rights apply.
Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora 'Babylon' Very large open bright-red flowers, later than other Crocosmias, from end August onwards. 75cm. high. Price: £7.20
Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora 'Emily McKenzie' Unusual cultivar, one of the last to flower, terracotta-orange with a very distinct maroon central zone. Lovely. 50cm high. In flower September to October. Price: £7.20